Use "predictor|predictors" in a sentence

1. Variations in rapid Automatized naming time in children provide a strong predictor of their later ability to read, and is independent from other predictors such as phonological awareness, verbal IQ, and existing reading skills.

2. Aural polyps as predictors of underlying cholesteatoma

3. When interaction between the predictors and the group was added to the multivariable model, the SG was no longer a predictor by itself, rather its association with abnormal upper teeth turned to be significant for prediction of DL.

4. Contempt is the single biggest predictor if divorce

5. Uncontrollable urination and blacking out are good predictors of what?

6. Centering is the rescaling of predictors by subtracting the mean

7. The best predictor of future performance is past performance.

8. Political-regime changes are statistically significant predictors of growth Accelerations

9. Comorbidity emerged as the best predictor of 2-year survival.

10. There's no scientific evidence that the Chinese Gender Predictor works

11. Autoshaping [5], predictor of subsequent oral alcohol self-administration [40]

12. H pylori infection was a strong predictor of ulcer recurrences.

13. Opinion polls are an unreliable predictor of election outcomes.

14. Certain predictors for the risk of relapse in abstinent alcoholics have been identified.

15. These factors are negative predictors and compromise a favorable outcome after acetabular surgery.

16. The predictor accelerated the jets for 17 seconds last night.

17. Adaptive decision-feedback equalizer with error-predictor for improved convergence

18. The aggregation can not be used sensibly as a predictor.

19. The past figure is useful as a predictor of the future ones.

20. Cholesterol level is not a strong predictor of heart disease in women.

21. Predictor variables were selected using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression.

22. This loss of Arterial elasticity is a powerful predictor of mortality

23. Processor system comprising a low-power trace cache and a command set predictor

24. Predictor: Baseline levels of kidney function identified from serum creatinine and albuminuria measurements.

25. Many scientists believe that poor sleep hygiene might actually be a predictor of Alzheimer's.

26. Bookto-bill has recently become an imperfect predictor of semiconductor industry sales and shipments.

27. This shows that the presence of symptoms is unreliable as a predictor of recurrence.

28. Predictors of severity were household contact with other infected individuals, older age, lymphopenia, and liver dysfunction.

29. The resulting estimates have the property of being best unbiased predictors (BUP) under normality of direct estimates.

30. Potential predictors of acceptance of an alleged incident were modeled by uni- and multivariate logistic regression analysis.

31. Since my first attachment to seismology, I have had a horror of predictions and of predictors.

32. 22 We recently published a study of predictors of shortlisting and appointments for training posts in psychiatry.

33. Research overwhelmingly supports the proposition that age is a poor predictor of performance and ability.

34. One school of thought affirms that use of the existing collection is the best predictor.

35. The presence of a Bicuspid valve was the only significant independent predictor of periannular complications

36. In all those very different contexts, one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success.

37. The Boey risk score serves as a simple and precise predictor for postoperative mortality and morbidity.

38. Cole and Meyer 35 found that early productivity is a good rough predictor of later productivity.

39. This action has been shown to be a good predictor of therapeutic effectiveness in trigeminal neuralgia.

40. Comprehension is a strong predictor of overall academic achievement (Luke, Dooley and Woods, 2011)

41. Metabolic and behavior Changings during the transition period as predictors of calving proximity and welfare of dairy goats

42. Therefore, early and repeated allergy tests are warranted since they are predictors of the prognosis of these patients.

43. Centering predictor variables is one of those simple but extremely useful practices that is easily overlooked.

44. Personality has not been shown by industrial psychologists to be a very helpful predictor of performance.

45. The independent positive predictors of Bacteraemia were systemic lupus erythematosus, liver cirrhosis, HIV infection, and solid organ cancers.

46. We used regression analysis to assess the relative importance of various overstorey predictors for understorey cover and composition.

47. In conclusion, Avai is a powerful predictor of adverse events in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis

48. Absconding was one of the most common violations of parole, and the most salient predictor of revocation

49. An ADL value ≤15 on admission was also a strong predictor for overall mortality within 6 months.

50. Timing of Blastocoele re‐expansion in vitrified–warmed cycles is a strong predictor of clinical pregnancy outcome

51. The negative coping strategy, "Abreacting," was a positive predictor of negative self-concept (self-criticism)

52. Thinness at birth is a particularly strong predictor of death before 65 years of age.

53. None the less, class remained the most important predictor of how an elector might vote.

54. Regression Coefficients are estimates of the unknown population parameters and describe the relationship between a predictor variable and the response.In linear regression, Coefficients are the values that multiply the predictor values.Suppose you have the following regression equation: y = 3X + 5

55. Unusual nonverbal behavior and characteristics associated with unpredictability were also predictors of Creepiness, as were some occupations and hobbies

56. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and exploratory regression analyses were performed to identify predictors of online CME usage.

57. The forecasting model was constructed with nonlinear correlation ratios between transformed predictors and tropical cyclone landfalling event and REEP.

58. Indeed most studies of employment show the low validity and reliability of age as a predictor of performance.

59. It is unknown whether radiological evidence of pulmonary blebs or Bullae is a predictor of pneumothorax

60. The compressor comprises of a predictor unit, an entropy encoder unit and an error protector unit.

61. Bdata = bindata(sc,Name,Value) Binned predictor variables returned as a table using optional name-value pair arguments

62. 15 H pylori positive gastritis, and the combination of active duodenitis and gastric metaplasia were independent predictors of duodenal ulceration.

63. These improved performances goes on to say that Bigram-PGK is quite an effective predictor for the phosphoglycerylation problem.

64. When Autocorrelated error terms are found to be present, then one of the first remedial measures should be to investigate the omission of a key predictor variable. If such a predictor does not aid in reducing/eliminating autocorrelation of the error terms, then certain …

65. Parent-enforced Bedtimes—along with later school start times—are the greatest predictors of sleep duration, daytime energy level, and depressive symptoms

66. John Gottman’s research shows that Contempt is the single biggest predictor of divorce in both heterosexual and gay couples

67. Albuminuria has also been shown more recently to be a predictor of cardiovascular outcomes in these populations (5 – 8).

68. This study prospectively examined the incidence and severity of large joint Contractures after burn injury and determined predictors of contracture development

69. Anurans exhibit limited dispersion ability and have physiological and behavioural characteristics that narrow their relationships with both environmental and spatial predictors

70. Each Coefficient estimates the change in the mean response per unit increase in X when all other predictors are held constant

71. This study aimed to determine the major predictors of amputation and length of stay in diabetic patients with acute foot ulceration.

72. Creepiness of hobbies themselves on Creepiness on the chance that this may have been a good predictor of something else

73. Additionally, greater physical aggression, not gender-Atypicality, was the only significant predictor of being bullied in both men and fa’afafine

74. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the incidence and predictors of cardiac events in adults with Bicuspid aortic valve.

75. Albuminuria is a urinary biomarker that has been shown to be a predictor of renal and CV events

76. BACKGROUND: We aimed to identify predictors of Anamnestic hypoglycaemia in type-2 diabetic patients on oral mono- or dual oral combination antidiabetic pharmacotherapy

77. Chronicity index, especially glomerular sclerosis, is the most powerful predictor of renal response following immunosuppressive treatment in patients with lupus nephritis Chronicity index, especially glomerular sclerosis, is the most powerful predictor of renal response following immunosuppressive treatment in patients with lupus nephritis

78. The first unspecific predictor of a diabetic nephropathy is an albuminuria. The screening for diabetic nephropathy uses microalbuminuria as a proof.

79. Renal Corpuscle size (glomerular size) is an easily measured parameter and potentially acts as a predictor of long-term renal function

80. Except for age of primary manifestation and history of severe acne, the mentioned factors were independent predictors for disease severity in multivariate analysis.